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Showing posts from June, 2014

20 things to know

1. Vanilla essence is prepared in orchid plant 2. Snake has an Ability to see Uv rays 3. Titanic diaster occur in 1912 4. Security printing press situated in Nasik 5. Male honeybee is called Drone 6. Ostrich lay largest egg 7. Full length of cartoon film is Walter Disney 8. Dead sea water contains more salty 9. Small painting called Miniatutre painting 10. A dog was the only animal that first sent to space 11. King cobra is poisonest snake in india its rating is high 12. Anaconda of south America is the heaviest snake in the world 13. John kennedy Airport is the busiest international airport in the world 14. Indian institute of science located in Bangalore 15. The word Himalaya mean Abode of snow 16. The Expansion of BMW IS Bavarian Motor Works 17. Cherrapunji is the wettest place on earth, but its residents have very serious problem of          water shortages because Cherrapunji is built on a foundation of porous limestone and all         the water that falls from th

funny jokes

Q. Why did the man put his money in the freezer? A. He wanted cold hard cash! Q. What did the porcupine say to the cactus? A. "Is that you mommy?" Q. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? A. Frostbite. Q. How do crazy people go through the forest? A. They take the psycho path. Q. What do prisoners use to call each other? A. Cell phones. Q. What do you get from a pampered cow? A. Spoiled milk. Q. Where do polar bears vote? A. The North Poll Q. What did Geronimo say when he jumped out of the airplane? A. ME!!! Q. Where do snowmen keep their money? A. In snow banks. Q. What's brown and sticky? A. A stick. Q. Why do sea-gulls fly over the sea? A. Because if they flew over the bay they would be bagels! Q. What dog keeps the best time? A. A watch dog. Q. Why did the tomato turn red? A. It saw the salad dressing! Q. What did the grape do when it got stepped on? A. It let out a little wine!